Friday, March 25, 2011 today. From 8.30 to 9.30pm we switch our lights off. Energy saved for mother earth.

In the pursuit of doing our share, our household shall be holding an Earth Day:

1. I will only spend 2 hours online today.
2. Open our windows to let nature's lights in. Lights on will only be after sunset.
3. Electric fan will have its rest, it is incidentally raining outside, the breeze should be ok.

Although in our household we are very conscious of doing steps in saving energy.
Throughout THE YEAR.
Use of lights, electric fans, water, tv and computer are highly monitored. Tedious, one might say. But only at first. With constant practice, saving energy will be second nature. As one might argue that our household may not be as dynamic as the next door neighbor who relays so much on gadgets for a living...that maybe true. However, there is always a way to tone down the "frenzy". Impossible it first. Believe me, there's always something there that we could switch off.
Amidst the Earth Hour darkness we should make plans on how to go about saving our earth in every little thing we do. Starting in our homes. Understanding the enemies of nature. Let us put into mind saving our earth is not just a matter of switching the lights off...for one day in a year.
Let us make Earth Hour EVERY hour...for the rest of our lives.

...all for the love of Mother Earth.

Now here's one thing I wouldn't mind spending much energy on:

Throwing good vibes to everyone everywhere!!!

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