Sunday, July 3, 2011

How it changed how I look at the company.
Hey Im a sucker of victory stories. And this book is more than a victory story. It's about saving a life, being born into one. Short and sweet.
Released in 2007, it's Micheal's Gill's story about being fired from a six-figure paying job with 5 kids to feed. Thrown out of his comfort zone. Something that I had been dipping one foot into the past 4 to 5 years...
I love the book!
And of course by now, Micheal Gill is Mike to me. A friend, a barista at a New York Starbucks.
The past months I had been consciously avoiding going into our favorite Starbucks store because it gets way too crowded for me. With the exception during last month's Fathers Day, we treated hubby there as early as 7pm to avoid the crowd rush. Just way too crowded. Opting for a nearby coffeeshop, for the reason of more comfortable seating and calmer environment.

Whenever Ann (my production crew boss) and I go out of town we always have our meals at Starbucks.

Yesterday, I was at my friend Tata's house by 6am. We will be riding together to our 7am call time. Right before leaving, she showed me her new book, "How Starbucks Saved My Life". I have read reviews about it. I asked if we could take it along to kill the time till showtime.
I was hooked!!!
It is beautiful, simple, very lovely story. Any Starbucks fan should get the book! Even the skeptics should get one.
I have always been a Starbucks fan...

Our kids get their Starbucks bears every season. (This photo I took of my little girl in 2008 when she got the Christmas bears).

I got this bag and tumbler in Ngong Ping, Hong Kong (it is very seldom I buy tumbler, only when I go to a new and far out this one in Lantau, up on the mountains)
The bag commemorates 10 years of Starbucks in Hong kong.

My cellphone charm

My hubby favors Starbucks planner every year.

Micheal Gates Gill

Yesterday: Tata and me (with the book) during breakfast in her car, as usual, when beating an early morning call time.

After reading the book and understanding the principles behind my favorite cup of coffee, I have renewed respect for the all people behind the counter.
Yes, I shall once again be going into our fave Starbucks store. No matter how crowded it will get.

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