Saturday, May 21, 2011

Class listen up. Php 5.6 MILLION.
I love it!
I was surfing along the big waves at ebay and found this...
Very gracious of her of have taken things lightly. Converting all those talks (mostly nasty unfortunately) into usable and helpful amount of FIVE MILLION PESOS. 13 hours more to bid on this millinery engineering by Philip Treacy. At its current price it already is a record breaker.
The money raised will then be given to UNICEF and Children in Crisis charities.
The hat was worn by Princess Beatrice at her cousin Prince William's wedding to Catherine Middleton last April. Outlandish it maybe but this piece that once adorned a certified royal head, soliciting only unflattering reviews (it has its own Facebook page) will put beautiful smiles on the benefactors as the bidding ends...

I am actually holding my breath. This should be one for the network's books. Soon, my pretty hat, soon. You will once again reign tv air time. For a good cause.
I love it!

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