Thursday, April 14, 2011

An Eulogy...

May 18, 1933 - April 4, 2011

" a few minutes, we shall be taking my papa to his final resting place. Never to see him physically. In this unbelievable grief we are feeling, we are holding tight on the comfort of knowing papa is now well more than he has ever been. That he is in heaven.
Papa has always been our strength. Loving and dependable friend, neighbor, grandfather, father and husband.
An incredible force --- and yet the most humble. We will miss him. But without a doubt we will forever fell his presence in our hearts.
Even in death he has made sure we were all ready.
That is papa Ruben.
...sir Ruben...noy Ruben...tio Ruben...Engineer...grandpa...
When I was a baby, he carried me in his arms, ran thru the streets of the city in the middle of the, just to take me to the hospital.
He made sure he made the best cheese and egg sandwiches for his nephews and nieces during weekend get togethers. He and I would do our 'shooter ready' stance in front of the mirror every day starting when I was 7 years old for some dry fire. He was the original shooter in the family.
He gave me my first photography history book. He would have a picture of any nephew who cried. He was the original photographer. I saw him laughingly kill a big snake in our backyard. Drove our blue jeep up a steep hill to Lake Danao. He Taught me to row a bangka across the lake. Showed me the fairies were just fireflies. He gave me a basketball when I asked for a paperdoll.
He taught us unconditional love.
His idea of corporal punishment was to force me to take an afternoon nap while he read the lastest issue of TIME magazine beside me. Knowing all too well I would have preferred to read the magazine before he did.
He emphasized the balance of honor, pride and being humble.

Mommy, Joel, Alyssa, Ava and I wish to thank all our dear relatives and friends from different parts of the world, for the overflowing love and support. You have carried us thru the most unbelievably heartbreaking days of our lives...made them bearable.
Thank you to papa's brothers and sisters. His nephews and nieces. All your wonderful messages and beautiful voices from across the seas. To my family-in-law, we thank you. To the friends who, inspite of their busy schedules, were just phone calls away. Friends who came from Cebu just to hold our hands. To papa's former colleagues in the government. Papa meant you all to be there, at the right moment. He cherished your friendship more than you know it. To my mother's colleagues. Our heartfelt gratitude. My friends who took great care of my daughters, we treasure you. To the doctors who were most kind and human. To the gentle and understanding nurses, we thank you all. And to the 2 drivers whose names we failed to ask, thank gave us the precious time we needed to say our peace and goodbyes to papa.
We say farewell to the physical papa Ruben. Join our family as we welcome the birth of grandpa angel."

Thank You, Boss.
Thank You for the peace.
Thank You for our papa.

Please receive him to your glorious home.
Forever we keep you in our hearts, papa.
We love you always and forever.

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