Saturday, April 2, 2011

Dear family and friends,

I ask for your patience as it has taken me quite some time to come back online. Or was it just 2 days? I am not sure. I am in my hometown today...since Wednesday to shoot for one of the biggest bike festival. Last Wednesday everything was cool, my kids and I arrived around noon. By thursday afternoon my father was already on his deathbed. Today I am taking a little time to check life online in my neighbor's house who is kind to use the internet. It was just last year during Father's Day that I made a lengthy entry about my father. I shall be updating soon. Right now I am attending to my mother. Being the only child, I am her strength now. We are everyday saying our peace and goodbyes to my father. Slowly he is leaving us. We are heartbroken, yet I know he is doing his exit in a way that shall not pain us greatly. The start of his journey was peaceful. His last vision of life was my face. He was well. It was sudden, yet I have seen the end earlier. I have to bid goodbye for now.

I shall be back online soon. Probably not very soon. Maybe a little past one week. I love you my dear friends. My father will be gone soon. It is breaking me. Tearing my soul apart. He does not move, not open his eyes, not speak. Yet, I know he is comforting me.

I love you all. Until next time. I shall be back...

Love always,

Sandra V.

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