Wednesday, March 16, 2011

So it had been 2 weeks since I have treaded into "untried" territories. Hehehehe, seriously. The reason for this frantic and amusing adventure with cosmetics is this weekend's affair. One of the biggest in our lives. hehehe...(will be a different entry). I figured a time table of 2 weeks should be appropriate to make any difference.
As I mentioned in my previous entry I have long ditched my moisturizer which had actually been doing me good. I just wanted to try some new stuff. I bought the more expensive bottle in brown. With the pump. It cost me 5x more. The oil refinery? It didn't help. In fact, it made my face more oily. They said battle oil with more oil. So I did. Now I'm just plain wondering why I did.
In my previous entry, it was about the eye shadows. Now I have to mention I had to blot, blot, blot and blot our the oil from my face to get that photo. To give more emphasis on the eye make up, I had myself photographed in the best light available, with the usual paraphernalia, my bff's, the reflector/diffuser.
Wow, my eye make up is banging! But my complexion just wasnt up to par. I figured I needed to tweak something in the routine. Putting moisturizer all over my skin combined with the BB cream made my face shiny. The mineral powder did contour my face but added up to the shine. It was back to the drawing board.
Contrary to popular practice, I washed my face with plain simple anti-bacterial soap (although under normal circumstances I use a facial wash with golden pixie dust, hehehe). Dabbed on my trusty Pond's cream (below) on forehead, inner brow bones, corners of my nostrils, laugh line, upper lip, corners of the mouth and under the lower lip. Just to counter the over dryness due to the anti-bacterial soap. Dabbed on some Ever Bilena mousse concealer on the same areas I did the cream.
Put on the BB cream (in progression just to see which is appropriate for my type). Swooshed on the mineral powder and viola! But by viola, I don't mean the whole process took 5 minutes. A tedious process for my taste perhaps but I like the results. By viola, I meant I think I got what I wanted. Two hours later I checked on my face (that's the photo above). Nice.

I also ditched the powder above and replaced it with the one below. The one above had a flat one. Below, the rounded one we usually see being handled on those tv ads. The same ingredients. Maybe it was the kind of brushes used? I re-instated the Revlon using the round brush, applied it on the left side of my face. And on the right side, Maybelline. Which worked better? Well, the round brush did make the application more even I believe. Both powders gave me the same results. No one cheek was oiler than the other.

Guess that seals the deal then, huh?

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