Monday, March 21, 2011

Let's call this the "Houston-We-Have-A-Problem" entry...

Problem #1. The girls love it when there's a shopping cart or basket. They don't care what they get. They just love to go through the hoopla of making up their minds and filling up their basket.

Problem #2. The new hamster is named, "Nuggets". According to her it makes her want to eat at a fast food place even in the middle of the night.

Problem #3. She was standing close to me when I clicked. Got over exposed. I asked her to move back, she didn't want to. She was perfect where she was, she said. I was also too lazy to move myself, hehehe. This was the graduation day. Energy was starting to drain...hehehe

Problem #4. This has got to be the best Kahlua Mousse I have ever tasted. And I just started my "no sweets" diet. Dang!

Problem #5. BIG PROBLEM. Supposedly their best seller. Forgot the name. 3 flavors, I got the strawberry. I kinda spied coconut. But ordered anyway...might as well taste the best seller. Uh-uh...turned out...not my kind of taste. Must be stale, I told hubby. He smelled and said the same. He asked for another order. Still the same cake. Still the same smell and taste. Should be, I'm guessing they were made from the same batch of ingredients and all. We politely told the crew. Emphasis on the politely. They said it really tastes that way, it's a dissecated coconut something. Oh. Okay. Hmmm. Could be my bad? Better luck next time I guess? Dang!
Too bad, their best seller is the yuckiest cake I have ever eaten in my whole life.

(Location: I.T. Park, Cebu)

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