Saturday, March 19, 2011

Finally Rajo Laurel (and his Plain&Prints Summer collection 2011) landed in Cebu last March 18!!! Great timing as it was my weekend of celebrations...
I had a very important dinner date. Really very important.
I had absolutely nada to wear! Really very NADA. ahihihi
What to do?
I figured I'd better get to Plains&Prints one hour EARLIER to avoid the frenzy and get my wares. Seriously I did just that. Event was scheduled at 4pm. By 3.30pm I was at the counter paying for my loot(s). I was a happy camper.

Of course I had to say hi to Jude. I cannot not! She's just too cool to talk with. Gorgeous isn't she?

What kind of blogger forgets to take photos of the whole collection? ME. hahahahaha

And presenting...the man himself. Designer extraordinaire...

Lookey lookey! He signed!
Now that's even more precious now, isnt it?

I just had a few minutes to spare. I had to rush to the mall bathroom for a quick change of ensemble...
Yep to any event, the weapons of choice are a trusty camera and your pentel pen! (it makes signing autographs faster, easier and more effecient. hehe)

Thank YOU, Boss!

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