Sunday, March 27, 2011

Conversation with my 7-year-old daughter:

Me: Have I told you I love Jed Madela?
Her: Yes.
Me: You know who he is?
Her: The guy in the iTunes you keep playing every day?
Me: Choz, you ha, not every day.
Daughter 2: Every day mama. (she's 4 years old)
(I just laugh softly)

Me: That's because he's good.
Her: Yes, you keep saying.
Me: Did you like how he sang last night? (we were in the audience at the mall)
Her: Yes mama.
Me: Did you hear me scream?
Her: You embarrassed me.

(Daughter 2 laughs. The curly haired 7-yr-old and the straight haired 4-yr-old do the high five).

And before I could say another word...
Her,7: Aaaaannd yes you made a video.

I laughed.
Hay, I love my kids.

When my sis-in-law reads this entry, she will surely laugh at her own "JM moment":

In a mall somewhere Iloilo:

She sees her friends, a couple and asks them.

Her: Fans kamo gali sa iya? (So you're fans of his?)
Friend: Ay Cynthia, anak ko na. (he's my son.)


Can you hear me scream? hahahaha

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