Tuesday, March 15, 2011

At every end of the school year, the pre-schoolers in my kids' school holds a Pretend Day.
To pretend to be what they want when they grow up.
Elder sis said she wants to be a photographer like me when she grows up.
Awww...I choked on my well-hidden tears.
I asked how she would want to dress up (I almost always get their opinions when it comes to dressing up).
Her quick reply:"I want to dress up like you whenever you work (shoot) mommy."

Adorable isn't she?

(As you may have noticed, my photo has gotten bigger than the previous post. Finally had it nailed down thanks to Nicole Madsen! I would love the photo to be bigger still but I yet have to know how to avoid bleeding over the widgets on the sides, hehehe. Anyone?)

Thank YOU Boss for my daughters.
Thank YOU for sweet hearts.
Thank YOU for love.

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