Friday, May 20, 2011

My mood's been a bit blue and slow since we got back. I knew that. Unfortunately, my kids see it too. They decided to do something about it. When I woke up this morning, older sis announced, "Mama, today is going to be your birthday!"
They made cupcakes and birthday cakes with their play dooh. hahahaha, so cute! Delicious to look (but not eat, sorry, hehehe).
I had to take photos...(after we pretended to eat them).

The photos are lightly edited. I already love the diffused lighting and textures. We all laughed at where I took the photos I just had to show you guys...

On the lid of a plate closet!!!
The windows are on 2 sides of the kitchen which gave me ample natural light. The lid had diffused the light coming from the windows behind it. The scratches on the plastic gave me beautiful vintage textures.
Ok, I need to buy me a decent softbox. hehehe

God bless my little girls.

Thank YOU Boss for family and love.

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