Monday, May 23, 2011

I had to declare today a slow day. With the news of storm signal in the country, the skies are showing signs of heavy rains. Bed weather. On a summer vacation. Grand.
After finally putting back my make up and such to their places in the bathroom I decided to look up to hubby's side of the shelf. I realized I have not really looked at it for more than 5 seconds ever since! Time to get my spy on. Ahihihi.
Found a cute bottle. So it's been this. The fragrance he never uses in the house. Kids and I have developed severe allergies to certain fragrances that all of us have to stop using any. Except hubby. No sense dragging him into the fold since he just sprays on a little when already in the office. Although I still smell a bit of it when he comes home. Not too bad (strong) so I got curious. The bottle is too cool I had to take a photo. hehehe...
Behind it, I find this:

My unopened bottle of Lauren by Ralph Lauren. long has it had been sitting there? Very long. Pre allergy times this was my most fave. (Next is Gio by Giorgio Armani, so babyish light...). It had been hidden all along in that shelf. I remember buying 2 bottles of it. One I used up halfway. Then the allergies came I had to give the used bottle away. But this, I have forgotten all about this. Hmmm...ebay? ahihihi...

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