Monday, April 18, 2011

The train collection. Since I was 7 years old. An uncle from America had been sending us sets and sets of trains, tracks, accessories and such. We did assemble some of them but not all. It was just too overwhelming.

When I got married, my hubby had been the official custodian of the collection. He had since boxed everything up and sent for storage to our hometown. We figured we could set them all up properly when we retire. Hehehe...

But the month's turn of events pushed us for a big clean up in my parents' house. We took out all the boxed trains. The kids have been hearing us talk about them, our plans etc. But it was the first time they ever actually saw them trains...

Some have remained unopened.

It was decided they be shipped back here with us ...for storage, again. Until retirement...hahahaha!

Aren't they the coolest?

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